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Adroit Manager Frontend utilises a headless implementation of the Tanstack table component, known as shad-cn, specifically designed for handling tables on the application's dashboard

All table components are inside of components/iotTable and consists of two files columns.tsx and data-table.tsx

data-table.tsx is used in the pages/index.tsx file, here we pass in our applications data into the component. This results in the rendering of the table.


This file defines the column configurations for a data table component that displays device metrics and information.

It can be used to add new columns, modify existing columns, adding sorting and filtering and adding additional functionality like buttons

To add a new column, you need to create a column definition object with properties like accessorKey, header, and cell. Here's an example:

  accessorKey: 'client_name',
  header: ({ column }) => {
    return (
        onClick={() => column.toggleSorting(column.getIsSorted() === 'asc')}
        Client Name
        <ArrowUpDown className="ml-2 h-4 w-4" />

The accessorKey property specifies the key or property name in the data object that corresponds to the column's data. It is used to access and retrieve the relevant data for each cell in the column.

To summarise, the columns.tsx file is designed to be extensible, allowing you to easily add new columns or modify the functionality of existing columns in the data table component.


The data-table.tsx file contains a React component called DataTable that renders a table using the @tanstack/react-table library. This component is designed to be reusable and accepts two props: columns and data.

This component is responsible for table rendering the table can be stylised here by adding additional CSS.

Released under the MIT License.