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Before you begin, ensure that your computer has the following software installed.

nodejs (18.15.0 or later)
pnpm Node package manager (recommended)
Visual Studio Code (recommended)

Cloning the repo

You can clone the repo from this URL

git clone

and then cd into that folder

cd Adroit-Frontend-Manager

Installation (Front End)

cd into frontend folder

cd iot-frontend

Before initiating the installation process, ensure all required environment variables are added.

Setting Environment Variables

Open your terminal, navigate to the root directory of the project and execute the following command:

cp .env.example .env.development

This command copies the provided example file for local environment variables. Now, proceed to fill in the values for the following environmental variables in the newly created .env.development file:

# App Environment Variables

NEXT_PUBLIC_SECRETThis is a secret key used for securing various parts of the application.
NEXT_PUBLIC_COGNITO_CLIENT_IDCognito client ID for your application. Obtain this from your AWS Cognito console.
NEXT_PUBLIC_USER_POOL_IDThe ID of your Cognito user pool. This is needed to identify which user pool your application is using.
NEXT_PUBLIC_COGNITO_ISSUERThe URL for your Cognito identity provider.
NEXT_PUBLIC_COGNITO_CLIENT_SECRETThe client secret for your Cognito application, necessary for authentication. For more info, see Next Auth JS With AWS Cognito.
NEXTAUTH_URLShould be set to your project's base URL. During development, it commonly defaults to http://localhost:3000. However, in a production environment, ensure to update it to match the URL of your deployed application.
NEXT_PUBLIC_BASE_URLSimilar to NEXTAUTH_URL, should be set to your project's base URL. During development, it commonly defaults to http://localhost:3000.
NEXT_PUBLIC_RESEND_API_KEY_MINEAPI key for Resend, a service for sending emails. Replace this with your API key obtained from Resend.

Once you've completed the aforementioned steps, you can execute the following commands in the terminal/command prompt from the project's root directory.

pnpm installThis process will install all the necessary dependencies into the node_modules folder.
pnpm devIt launches the project locally, initiates the development server, and monitors any changes in your code. You can access the development server at http://localhost:3000

Congratulations!! You have successfully run the project. Visit http://localhost:3000/ (opens new window)to check it in your browser.

Released under the MIT License.