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Client Page

The client page of the Adroit Manager Frontend is located at iot-frontend/src/pages/client-page/[clientPage].tsx. It displays detailed information about a specific client.

Fetching Client ID

The client page fetches the client ID from the URL using the fetchIdAndType function:

function fetchIdAndType() {
  // Fetches ID from URL
  const pathname = usePathname();
  const parts = pathname ? pathname.split('/') : [];
  const id = parts[parts.length - 1]
    ? parseInt(parts[parts.length - 1] as string)
    : 0;

  // Determine the ID type based on the URL path
  const isClientId = parts.includes('client-page');
  const isDeviceId = parts.includes('device-info');
  const idType = isClientId ? 'client' : isDeviceId ? 'device' : '';

  return { id, type: idType };

This function extracts the ID from the URL and determines the ID type based on the URL path. If the URL includes "client-page", it sets the ID type as "client". If the URL includes "device-info", it sets the ID type as "device". Otherwise, the ID type is an empty string.

Authentication Check

The client page requires authentication. It checks the authentication status using the isLoading and isAuthenticated variables.

if (isLoading) {
  return (
      <LoadingIndicator />

if (isAuthenticated) {
  return (
      <SEO title={title} description={description} />
      <Header />
      {/* Client page content */}
} else {
  return <LoginScreen />;

If isLoading is true, a LoadingIndicator component is rendered to indicate that the page is loading.

If isAuthenticated is true, the client page content is rendered, including the SEO component for setting the page title and description, and the Header component.

If isAuthenticated is false, the LoginScreen component is rendered, prompting the user to log in.

Client Page Content

The client page displays various information about the client, such as:

  • Client name
  • Client ID
  • Total devices associated with the client
  • Metrics related to the client
  • Sites where the client's IoT devices are deployed
  • Basic client details

The specific implementation of rendering this information depends on the structure and data available in your application.

Released under the MIT License.