# Next.js Public Environment Variables
Variable | Description |
NEXT_PUBLIC_SECRET | This is a secret key used for securing various parts of the application. |
NEXT_PUBLIC_COGNITO_CLIENT_ID | Cognito client ID for your application. Obtain this from your AWS Cognito console. |
NEXT_PUBLIC_USER_POOL_ID | The ID of your Cognito user pool. This is needed to identify which user pool your application is using. |
NEXT_PUBLIC_COGNITO_ISSUER | The URL for your Cognito identity provider. |
NEXT_PUBLIC_COGNITO_CLIENT_SECRET | The client secret for your Cognito application, necessary for authentication. For more info, see Next Auth JS With AWS Cognito. |
NEXTAUTH_URL | Should be set to your project's base URL. During development, it commonly defaults to http://localhost:3000 . However, in a production environment, ensure to update it to match the URL of your deployed application. |
NEXT_PUBLIC_BASE_URL | Similar to NEXTAUTH_URL , should be set to your project's base URL. During development, it commonly defaults to http://localhost:3000 . |
NEXT_PUBLIC_RESEND_API_KEY_MINE | API key for Resend, a service for sending emails. Replace this with your API key obtained from Resend. |
Once you've completed the aforementioned steps, you can execute the following commands in the terminal/command prompt from the project's root directory.