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React Toastify

Toast Notifications with React Toastify

Adroit Manager Frontend ueses React Toastify, a popular library for displaying toast notifications in React applications. The showToast function in the project is responsible for showing toast notifications with various options and types.


The showToast function is a custom utility function that wraps the React Toastify library to provide a convenient way to show toast notifications with different types and options. Here's how you can use it:

import { showToast } from '@/components/Toast';

// Show a success toast
  message: 'Operation completed successfully!',
  type: 'success',

// Show an error toast
  message: 'An error occurred!',
  type: 'error',

// Show a warning toast
  message: 'Warning: Something needs attention!',
  type: 'warning',

// Show an info toast (default type)
  message: 'Some informational message',

The showToast function accepts an object with the following properties:

  • message (required): The message to display in the toast notification.
  • type (optional): The type of the toast notification. Possible values are success, error, warning, and info. Default is info.
  • options (optional): Additional options to customize the appearance and behavior of the toast notification. You can pass any valid ToastOptions from React Toastify.


The showToast function provides some default options for the toast notifications, such as position, auto-close duration, theme, etc. You can override these default options by passing the desired options in the options property when calling showToast. For example:

import { showToast } from '@/components/Toast';

  message: 'Custom toast notification',
  type: 'info',
  options: {
    position: 'bottom-right',
    autoClose: 3000,
    theme: 'light',

Released under the MIT License.