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The ToggleSwitch component is a reusable component that renders a toggle switch with a customizable text label. It allows users to toggle a boolean value on or off.

File Path

The ToggleSwitch component is located at the following path:


The ToggleSwitch component accepts the following props:

textstringThe text label to display next to the toggle switch.
initialValuebooleanfalseThe initial value of the toggle switch.


To use the ToggleSwitch component, import it into your React component and include it with the desired props:

import ToggleSwitch from './ToggleSwitch';

const MyComponent = () => {
  return (
      <ToggleSwitch text='Toggle me' initialValue={false} />

export default MyComponent;


The ToggleSwitch component uses the useState hook to manage the checked state of the toggle switch. The initial state is determined by the initialValue prop.

When the toggle switch is clicked, the handleToggle function is called, which toggles the isChecked state using the setIsChecked function. This updates the checked state of the toggle switch.

Released under the MIT License.